..as i got ill yesterday I got to think about the bad cirkle (den onda cirkeln) that drages us people down. Down in mentally illness.
It's all about it, the bad cirkle, all the time we're effected by it! Everytime we think something bad it just gets worse! or even worsest.
I don't say that we should be afraid of thinking bad things but I just think that if people convince theirselves that life is good they soon will think of life in that way! Positive. Happy thought and you'll make a happy life!
Bad thinking and habits are only leading to even more bad thinking and habits. The cirkle will never end and that's what's so important to not forget. If you, for example, smoke sometimes it's so easy to start smoking a full-time.
You choose always between the bad and the good side of live in every choise that you make.
In every single step you make you choose your direction in life! Make the bad cirkle a good cirkle instead!
Think happy things, choose to do the things that gives you joy in life so that joy can bring more joy into it!
It's always a good thing to talk about bad things to, to bring them up and solve them! Otherwise they just grow bigger and bigger..and the bag you're carrying through life heavier and heavier. Which everyone to have someone to talk to.
In good and bad times cus' life ain't easy and we all know that life is what you make it. And that we're all doesn't always make the right choices in life, but the important thing is to learn from it and move forward. Do what's best for you. It ain't easy always & it should not be either ! Because if it weren't hard sometimes we wouldn't appreciate the great times! It makes it hard for us to see when it's already good we don't see it because it's no difference.
Love Casandra
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